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Monthly Special Sales from Power Wash Store San Antonio, TX

Shop our great deals on select machines . To purchase or for more information on any of our machines, please contact us through filling out a form or calling us at 210-437-0111.



Used Water Dragon Gas Booster Soft Wash System

Used soft wash system

Used soft wash system

Product Features:

This Unit has a Kohler Engine, Belt Drive with a clutch activation. 7.5 GPM

High Flow Proportioner with Remote Control Wizard for the Electric 3 Way Valve

Price: $1,500

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Steel Eagle 24" Surface Cleaner

Used surface cleaner

Product Features:


Has a new spray bar and tips

This unit comes with a Mosmatic swivel

Price: $400

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Water Dragon Booster Pump 3/4hp

Water Dragon Booster Pump 3/4hp

Product Features:

Goulds TA14510E GB Series High Pressure

Stainless Steel Multi-Stage Booster Pump

115/230 Volt, 60 hz, Single Phase

5.5 GPM

3/4 HP

3500 RPM

Viton Mechanical Seal

TEFC - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled Motor

14 Stages - Multi-stage design: Provides steady, quiet, vibration-free operation

1" NPT Suction & Discharge

Poly Impellers

O-Ring Casing Seal: Reliable high-pressure sealing with easy disassembly for maintenance or repair

Bowls: 300 stainless steel rabbit lock for positive alignment with no gaskets required

Variable Capacity: Centrifugal pump design permits selection of flow range for each size

*Bare pump only - electrical components, ProSwitch, and plumbing sold separately


Original Price: $1,189.27

Sale Price: $899.00

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12V Pump with Proportioner System

12V Pump with Proportioner System

Product Features:

Pump has never been used

Prewired with on/off switch

Price: $550

Contact to purchase




You have questions. We have answers. Power Wash Store San Antonio has all the pressure washers, equipment, accessories, detergents, and services you could possibly need to get the job done. If all you need is information, we have that too. We can teach you the best way to clean between vehicles with limited space, clean roofs with steep angles, or even just suggest certain products to help you get things done.

We’ve been in this industry for a long time. While we’ve been here, we’ve picked up some tricks of the trade. Contact us for tips/advice on how to be more efficient or inquire about our products.

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